Panel Discussion

Moderated by Nancy Cowles and Katie Lim
Panelists: Aaron Cadotte, Fiena Wu, Boaz Green
Cool, But Is It Safe?
Panel Discussion
August 23, 2023
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Breakout - Majestic
Understand key insights and best practices to make sure a product is safely designed for any potential user and user scenarios. Through 25 years, KID (Kids in Danger) has seen products designed and marketed for use by parents and/or children that overlook safety hazards that can lead to injury, death, and/or lead to a recall. Safety starts with designers and safety professionals collaborating from the start to leverage expertise from both sides throughout the entire process. Product safety professionals, designers, and safety advocates discuss the issues involved in design safety for children. Learn how to bring safe, engaging, useful, and meaningful products to market.
The audience will learn:
1) The importance of a design safety mindset, both to bring safety to the product and to encourage safety to be enhance by design, not with warnings or restrictions
2) Ways to incorporate safety, child development, and real-world use to design for the end user.
3) How to make your design concept more convincing and one step closer to reality with safety considerations.
4) How to find the safety information and guidance needed early in the design process.