IDC Day 2
8:30 am
IDC Registration Opens (1st Floor)
9:00 am
Coffee in the Design Gallery (9th Floor)
Adé Houge
Art Director, Designer, Letterer
Presentation: Design for Experimentation
10:30 am // Theater (2nd Floor)
Yoojin Hong
VP, Head of User Experience, Samsung
Presentation: How Do We Design a Meaningful Experience?
11:00 am // Theater (2nd Floor)
Chris Jackson
Director, We Create Futures
Presentation: Future Taonga: Creating inclusive futures by design
11:30 am // Theater (2nd Floor)
Carrie McEwan
Senior Human Factors Specialist, TEAGUE
Presentation: When Digital & Physical Worlds Collide: Designing the Human Experiences of Tomorrow.
12:00 pm // Theater (2nd Floor)
Lunch & Networking
12:30 pm // Design Gallery (9th Floor)
IDSA Business Meeting
2018 Year in Review
1:00 - 1:45pm // Theater (2nd Floor)
Breakouts & Workshops
From 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm you'll have your choice of sessions to attend based on your personal interests. There will be simultaneous sessions happening in the main theater as well as on the fourth and seventh floors.
Joyce Hsu
Design Lead, Facebook
Breakout: Designing Manifold
2:00 - 2:30 pm // Theater (2nd Floor)
Peter Schon, IDSA
Product Designer
Colin Kelly
Industrial Designer, Group Project
Dan Grossman
Associate Design Director, Smart Design
Monika Wysocki
Deputy Chief of Staff, NYC Department of Sanitation
Breakout: Trash Talk: Industrial Design, The Streetscape and Making an Impact in Your City
2:00 - 3:00 pm // Room 421 (4th Floor)
Chris Lovin
Design Lead at Athenahealth
Breakout: Aging in a Connected Home
2:00 - 2:30 pm // Room 423 (4th Floor)
Audra Norvilas
Director of Brand Design, Thermos
Paula Falavigna
Associate Creative Director, Kaleidoscope
Kelly Lin
Sr. Industrial Designer, Kaleidoscope
Workshop: The Power of Multifaceted Design Thinking
2:00 - 3:00 pm // Room 707 (7th Floor)
Cara Oba
Designer and Cofounder, Pas de Chocolat
Workshop: Traversing the Unknown
2:00 - 3:00 pm // Room 711 (7th Floor)
Michael DiTullo
Michael DiTullo, LLC
Breakout: Design Language Systems, What Are They and Why Do You Need One
2:30 - 3:00 pm // Theater (2nd Floor)
Glen Hougan
Principle, Wellspan Research and Design
Breakout: Design for Dignity
2:30 - 3:00 pm // Room 423 (4th Floor)
Coffee Break & Networking
3:00 pm // 2nd Floor
Rapid Fire Presentations
Kat Reiser, IDSA
Founder, Rise Design
Presentation: This Talk Is Not for You
Jay Peters
Managing Director, Park / Grow
Presentation: Design for Humanity
Mallory Evans, IDSA
Senior Industrial Designer, Linx Global Manufacturing
McKayla Barber, IDSA
Industrial Designer and Strategist, Beyond Design
Presentation: How to Lose a Female Designer in 10 Days
Michael Barczak
Industrial Design Creative Leader, Garmin International
Presentation: Fueling People's Passions
3:30 pm // Theater (2nd Floor)
J Mays
VP Global Design and Chief Design Officer, Whirlpool
Keynote: The 5 Things That Matter Most. Great design is about connecting with people at every point of contact. J discusses his 40-year career designing automobiles, the stories behind them and how they touch us emotionally.
4:30 pm // Theater (2nd Floor)
IDC Day 2 Closing Remarks
By Marcelle van Beusekom
IDC 2020 Location Announcement
5:30 pm // Theater (2nd Floor)
The Chicago Experience
Presented by IDSA
IDC takes over Chicago in a studio tour unlike any that has come before.
Check out the locations here.
Multiple Offsite Locations
6:30 pm - Until